Hmm, it seems I've skipped past February and March. I think those months must have been pretty boring, or else I would have been more inspired to do one of these posts. It's OK though because April was awesome:
1. PIZZA: Shaun brought home probably the coolest channel letter sign yet, and it fits perfectly in our kitchen (each letter is about 26" tall). It originally had red acrylic panels to cover the neon, but the red really stood out against our yellow kitchen in a bad way, evoking only thoughts of fast food chains. I like being able to see inside the white letters anyway. The neon even works still, except we didn't feel like hooking it up and having wires hanging around. Only the Z is damaged, but hey, that's part of the charm.
2. PENN TREATY PARK: We haven't been eating out as much recently in order to save some money, but this month we couldn't resist. After splitting a delightful cheese plate and reuben at the Swift Half, we walked to the park and skipped rocks. And then we got Mr. Softee from an ice cream truck. Basically, it was a perfect day. (cue Lou Reed song here).
3. EASTER: For the second year in a row we went up to Reading for Easter and had a delicious Easter dinner with Shaun's family. Before we left he stopped to buy his mom some flowers, and also picked some up for me, how sweet!
4. SODA FOUNTAIN DRESS IN GINGER: The first time I saw this dress on ModCloth it was out of stock, but lucky me they got more in! I seriously love this dress. And on April 8th I wore it for the first time to a Twin Peaks party, marking the 20th anniversary of the first episode. (I brought the donuts and stacked 'em.)
5. iMAC QUAD CORE: OMFG I GOT A NEW COMPUTER! I knew my old computer had been on it's last legs for quite awhile, but I didn't realize how messed up it was until I started using this new one. I can have more than 2 programs open at once! Including iTUNES and iPHOTO!! And it doesn't take 45 minutes to export a 120 page PDF! It's a miracle. Oh yeah, and it's 27-inches, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Also, you'll see a sneak peak of my latest project on the screen! More to come on that later...
6. CRAB CAKES: I found a recipe for vegetarian crab cakes, which sounded good mainly because anything with Old Bay is good to me, but I thought maybe I could add some fake crab meat to make it even crabbier. Of course I couldn't find any krab at the store, so I just bought a can of regular crab meat. In the future, I'm not even going to bother, because that canned crab was so pathetic and barely added anything to the flavor, I'm sure. HOWEVER, the crab cakes ended up being very tasty, and I'm sure I'll make them again, sans canned crab. I also used this recipe for the salad dressing (also where I got the photo from!).
7. BRADFORD PEAR BLOSSOMS: The very first thing that I knew was going in April's post was a bradford pear blossom because Fishtown absolutely exploded with them this spring. They also happen to be my favorite kind of tree. :)
8. THE STOUT ENGLISHMAN: I am so so lucky to have a boyfriend who loves to build things! The Stout Englishman, an entertainment center/cabinet, is the third piece in the Crafted furniture line, and in my opinion, the best thing he's built to date!
9. NEON INDIAN & SURFER BLOOD: These two items don't exactly fit the color scheme as nicely as everything else does, but I had to include them. Now that the weather is getting nicer and downright HOT this music feels so appropriate (Neon Indian sounds like they're playing through humid, hazy heat waves). Whenever I put these albums on, I don't even skip songs, which is a rarity for me these days.