Saturday, February 20, 2010


1. SURFER BLUE: I have to admit that this post was slightly more difficult than others, because we spent so much time fixing up/moving into this apartment that we didn't do much just for fun. But what IS fun is this color blue that we painted the walls of the living room. At first I was just a bit nervous about it, but now when I look at the walls I can't imagine them being any other color–it's great.

2. GEOGRAPHY: We had the same shower curtain when we lived in the loft, but this time around the map faces the toilet instead of the inside of the shower. Now I can be assured that Shaun is getting at least a few minutes of geography lessons a day.

3. EATING ANIMALS: I started reading this book in January, and although I haven't yet finished, it's already influencing the way I feel about what I eat. Jonathan Safran Foer is one of my favorite writers, and in his first non-fiction book he makes a convincing argument in favor of vegetarianism. At this point, I have no intention of becoming vegetarian, but I do know that I need to eat less meat, and I'm on a quest to get my friends/family to see the same point.

4. WII FIT PLUS: It had been awhile since I had used my Wii Fit, but since I bought the Wii Fit Plus add-on, it's become a new obsession. I love the build-your-own routine feature, the calorie-tracker, and the new games! So fun!

5. AVATAR: Yes, I, like the rest of the universe, saw Avatar...and yes, I liked it. Perhaps because I went into the theater fully prepared to hate it, it managed to exceed my low expectations. The effects were amazing, and even the odd choice of blue anime-type creatures grew on me by the end of the movie. As far as the "story" which so many people gripe about...I'm just glad when blockbuster movies manage to sneak in good lessons about the environment once in awhile (ie. Wall-E).

6. MAPLE SYRUP: "99!"

7. TABLE: I spent a few days in the studio with Shaun this month to start refinishing and old table that I've "inherited." It had been painted a brown faux-woodgrain to cover up what I discovered was some pretty nasty water damage. But I've managed to sand it out, and even without the final stain I think the table looks pretty good, no?

8. I'M WITH COCO: I didn't actually join the "I'm with Coco" Facebook group, but trust me...I AM with Coco. What is NBC's problem?? I think they've really shot themselves in the foot with this decision. Conan's final words to the audience made me teary...I hope he gets a good deal with another station because I could never watch late night without him!


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